Add Hair Bangs or Change Your Part
Add Hair Bangs or Change Your Part
How to Jazz up your Hair Style Quickly
The easiest and quickest way to make an adjustment to your hair style is to add bangs or change your part. We will cover all the different types of bangs and parts that you can do.
Bangs are great and everyone can probably wear some variation of them. However, keep in mind that when you cut bangs, you will be waiting quite awhile to grow them out if you end up not liking the way they look with your hairstyle.
It is even more important when you wear bangs to keep your hair properly hydrated by using the right conditioner for your hair type. Smooth and shiny hair bangs make a big difference in how your hair looks.
Each picture of bangs on this page is a link to more bangs. The basic bangs available include: eyebrow, straight, layered, choppy, side swept, basic, fringe and not really bangs.
One great option is to try clip in hair extensions to see if you like the look of bangs before you get them cut. Clip in hair extensions can be ordered online or can be found at many department stores for a reasonable cost.
There are many different types of bangs that you can cut, al lof course with different names and techniques. For simplification, we will refer to them in this site based on what they are doing.
Catherine Zeta-Jones has a long bang that is worn side swept, creating a visually appealing hair style
Cameron Diaz has a hairstyle with the popular side swept bangs. She has even kept this look while changing from blonde to brunette and back. The side swept has a certain romantic, sexy look since the hair swoops across the forehead slightly covering one eye.
The short choppy or even side swept bang is a great look for trendy hairstyles.
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