Hair Bangs - Types & Face Shapes
Hair Bangs - Types & Face Shapes
Karen Marie Shelton - Copyrighted - All Rights Reserved.
Revised Date: 01/26/10
One of the most controversial elements of hair bangs is whether to call them "bangs" or call them "fringes". In the United States bangs are the common word for hair that fully or partially covers the forehead area of the face.
In England and other European countries bangs have a slang related meaning that is considered "off color". For those countries the word used to describe forehead hair is "fringes".
Regardless of what term you prefer to use, forehead hair, like everything in the hair world, has its style trends and general rules.
Although the hair bang cycles in and out of favor depending on fashion trends and other related style indicators, they tend to look good on just about anyone ranging from babies to boomers of any age. So why are they consider the one-stop-hair-trend for all? Mainly because they can be created to scale from long to short, side-swept to full frontal blunt or a variety in-between.
Bangs can be worn to minimize large foreheads, help control annoying cowlicks or disguise forehead lines. They work in harmony with a wide range of hair accessories from headbands to clips.
What else should you note about bangs? They can be an instant fix for a bad haircut or a decision that is made in haste and repented in leisure because bangs can be challenging to deal with during the sort-to-long phases.
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