How To Cover Up a Bald Spot
How To Cover Up a Bald Spot

No need to panic when the grass stops growing up on top. Follow these steps to learn how to camouflage your follicularly challenged dome.

Step 1: Go to a barber or hairstylist

Visit your local barber or stylist – they’re masters at concealing the problem. If you’re losing hair from the crown of your head, try a buzz cut, which will help blend in thinning hair with the rest.

Stay away from the “comb-over” – it’s a dead giveaway that you’re balding.

Step 2: Request texture

If you’re losing hair from the front of your head, ask for a textured crop haircut, which uses uneven layers at the receding hairline to blend everything together.

Just say no to the toupee. Anything is better than taping artificial hair to your head every morning.

Step 3: Purchase concealer

New ’do not doing enough? Pick up a spray bald-spot concealer that best matches your hair color. It could either be surprisingly effective, or end your love life forever.

Step 4: Invest in some hats

Don a hat, and buy a few that suit your face. Contrary to popular belief, wearing hats doesn’t cause hair loss. They’re just an easy, stylish cover.

Step 5: Angle your bald spot away from lights

Tilt your head away from bright lights to conceal your pate and avoid a reflection off your bald spot. Take a page from vampires and stick to dark, romantically lit locales.

Step 6: Display confidence in your look

Whether you’ve shaved it all off, or you’re clinging to what you’ve got left, hold your head high. Confidence is more attractive than even the thickest head of hair.

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