How to Get Men's Haircuts for Balding Men
How to Get Men's Haircuts for Balding Men
By CindyM
For millions of men, losing their hair is a harsh reality. Many times men are tempted to compensate for their hair loss by growing what hair they have as long as they can or, even worse, resorting to the dreaded "comb over." However, going bald doesn't have to mean a lifetime of bad hairstyles.
Men's Haircuts for a Receding Hairline
Step 1
Accept that going bald is a hereditary condition you will most likely have to live with for the rest of your life. Though there are some treatments on the market, such as hair transplants or prescription medications, most men have to accept the hair they have and learn to adjust their hairstyle accordingly.
Step 2
Grow the front bang section of your hair slightly longer in order to cover up the hair loss, such as actor Charlie Sheen does, for an early stage receding hairline. To achieve this let your stylist know that you want more hair left in the front to cover up the receding portion. Your stylist will be sure to leave the hair at the temples longer in order to compensate for the hair loss.
Step 3
Consider longer hair. Wearing your hair at medium length all over, such as Owen Wilson's shag hairstyle, is also a great option for masking a receding hairline. The longer bangs are worn over the forehead, and the sides and back blend with similar lengths.
Step 4
Consider short. If longer hair isn't your style, opt for a shorter men's haircut. Having hair shorter in the front and on top will allow you to blend the thinner hair with the rest. George Clooney or Hugh Laurie both have slight recession at the temples so not much is required to blend the balding spots. Your best bet for receding temples is to keep the hair short so there's not such a contrast between your hair and the balding temples.
Step 5
Consider a change in hairstyle as the hair begins to recede more. If your hair is still relatively thick everywhere besides the temples you can opt for a haircut similar to Nicholas Cage. Wearing your hair in a medium-short fashion and back off your forehead is great for those who aren't as self conscious about their receding hair and just want a great look. Sometimes a great haircut is all that is necessary and the receding temples are less noticed.
Step 6
Consider the buzz. Another option for those who can't be bothered to fight the battle of the bald is to go super short and shave the hair in a "buzz cut" fashion. Think Bruce Willis or Lance Armstrong for great examples of men going super short and still looking sexy. There is a time when covering up your balding head just becomes a practice in futility. Instead of having a bad hairstyle in an attempt to cover up your hairline just go with it and set yourself free. A buzz cut is super low maintenance and looks great on the right shaped head.
Step 7
Opt for a short cut with the top being left only slightly longer if you can't bear to bare it all. Use some gel to spike the front or top like Kiefer Sutherland. This hairstyle takes the focus away from where the hair isn't and places it on where the hair is. If you style the hair you have well, the thinner areas fade into the background.
Men's Haircut for a Thinning Crown Area
Step 1
Think short. If your hair is also thinning from the crown of your head you may have to do double camouflage duty. For a bald spot that begins at the crown of your head your best bet is to keep your hair short. Shorter hair always appears thicker, so keeping your hair short on top will help hide the thinning spot.
Step 2
Avoid the "comb-over." As the bald spot grows many men are tempted to resort to the comb over. No matter what you think, a comb over--growing your hair long on top, parting it to the side and combing it over the balding area--fools no one and never looks good.
Step 3
Think shorter. Once there isn't enough hair to cover up the bald spot on top, or the entire top of the head loses its hair, the best look is real short. Again, take a cue from Bruce Willis and take it all off. Shaving the hair super short greatly lessens the obvious contrast between where there is and isn't hair and actually makes the large bald spots much less noticeable.
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